ComfyUI Tutorial 05 – Shortcut key list

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series ComfyUI Basic content

Welcome to the ComfyUI tutorial series! If you’re searching for a powerful and flexible user interface tool, Comfy UI is the perfect solution. This comprehensive series will guide you from beginner to expert, covering everything you need to know about designing, building, and optimizing with ComfyUI.

ComfyUI stands out as a favorite among developers due to its intuitive interface and customizable features. Whether you’re just starting or looking to master advanced functionalities, these tutorials are designed to help you quickly get started and enhance your productivity.

  • Introduce the common shortcut keys in ComfyUI
Ctrl + ASelect all nodes
Ctrl + Shift + ClickAdd clicked node to selection
Shift + DragMove multiple selected nodes at the same time
SpaceMove the canvas when held and dragging the cursor
Ctrl + EnterQueue the current graph for generation
Ctrl + MMute/unmute selected nodes
Delete/BackspaceDelete selected nodes
Ctrl + DeleteDelete the current graph
Ctrl + DLoad the default graph
Ctrl + CCopy selected nodes
Ctrl + VPaste nodes, severing connections
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste nodes while maintaining incoming connections
Ctrl + SSave the workflow
Ctrl + OLoad a workflow
QToggle the visibility of the queue
HToggle visibility of the history
Ctrl + LbuttonAdd clicked node to selection
  • Ctrl + A: Select all nodes.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Click: Add clicked node to selection.
  • Shift + Drag: Move multiple selected nodes at the same time.
  • Space: Move the canvas when held and dragging the cursor.
  • Ctrl + Enter: Queue the current graph for generation.
  • Ctrl + M: Mute/unmute selected nodes.
  • Delete/Backspace: Delete selected nodes.
  • Ctrl + Delete: Delete the current graph.
  • Ctrl + D: Load the default graph.
  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected nodes.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste nodes, severing connections.
  • Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste nodes while maintaining incoming connections.
  • Ctrl + S: Save the workflow.
  • Ctrl + O: Load a workflow.
  • Q: Toggle the visibility of the queue.
  • H: Toggle visibility of the history.
  • Ctrl + Lbutton: Add clicked node to selection.
  • Mouse Wheel: You can zoom in and out by using the scroll wheel on your mouse. This is a quick and intuitive way to adjust the zoom level on your canvas.
  • Touchpad Gesture: If you’re using a laptop with a touchpad, you can perform the zooming action by pinching in or out.

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